Councillor Andrew Bond

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Gunthorpe Ward in Peterborough! Working Hard All Year Round! Learn more

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Update: Parking and Traffic Issues at Local Primary Schools

by andrewbond on 9 January, 2017

Happy New Year!

You may have seen my many recent Facebook posts regarding Gunthorpe Primary School, Norwood Primary School and Welbourne Primary School. Before Christmas I have received many complaints from residents , parents and carers about the parking situations which surround these three schools. With concerns raised over many factors including the safety in general, the traffic the parking causes, the risks imposed with the parking that takes place, the lack of parking and most importantly the SAFETY of the CHILDREN.

Parking is mainly an issue during pick up and drop up times as I am sure you are all well aware. I received some queries and concerns towards the end of last year about all three Primary Schools. During this time I have been in contact with all three Head Teachers and several PCC officers to help tackle these issues.

What Have I Already Done ?
Towards the end of last year I requested that all three schools have regular visits from Road Safety Officers to assess the situation more clearly. Officers and myself visited Gunthorpe Road and Welbourne Primary School. Upon these visits it was noted by residents that the roads were particularly “Quiet” compared to usual traffic and dangerous parking. I was pleased that we were already seeing a difference, as the Officers are not there to ‘Catch’ people out but to prevent the dangerous parking and it seemed upon noticing the Officers people were choosing to park sensibly.It was agreed that regular return visits would be made to Welbourne Primary School and Mrs Everton (Headteacher) sent out a letter (below) to all parents and carers making them aware of this.


What is Happening Now? 

-I also requested that all three Primary Schools would be presented with SAFER PARKING BANNERS. These banners are loaned out to schools around Peterborough and I requested that our Local Primary Schools were to be given them next. The banners are to politely remind people to park safely with the children in mind. Meetings have been arranged with all three Primary Schools mentioned to hand these banners over with Ms Wright and for more resources to be given to the Primary Schools.

-All schools  are being re-visited by the safety officers.
-An Assessment is in place for a Safety Crossing near Welbourne Primary.


-The meeting was carried out with Gunthorpe Primary School and the school has been provided with the Banners. During the meeting the School Caretaker has also offered to carryout TRAINING SESSIONS at the school. Please See Fantastic Banner Below.


   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Sandra says:

    I would like to say that you are working extremely hard on this issue. It is good to see councillors working hard for the community. Well done councillor.

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