Councillor Andrew Bond

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Gunthorpe Ward in Peterborough! Working Hard All Year Round! Learn more

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Gunthorpe- Safer Peterborough SPEED Signs

by andrewbond on 13 March, 2017


Like many wards in Peterborough and of course all over the world, Gunthorpe is faced with the many motorists which deem it appropriate to SPEED. One of my first pieces of casework when I was elected back in May 2016; was the implementation of the 30mph speed limit signs at the beginning of Manor Drive (See Below). Manor Drive is a fast growing estate in Gunthorpe, located adjacent to Paston Parkway…however despite the speeding it was yet to have any speed provisions implemented.

Councillor Andrew Bond With The 30mph Speed Limit Signs He Requested.

Before Christmas, Manor Drive was lucky enough to receive Speed Bumps as an extra provision to help tackle the on going issues with speeding. Unfortunately despite these being enforced, residents were unhappy with the result. Motorists were continuing to speed and because of the speed bumps being low; they were not affecting their speed in a positive (nor negative) way.

Why are the speed bumps so low? 
As mentioned in a previous Blog Post and on my FACEBOOK ; after speaking with residents, I contacted Peterborough City Council to ask why the speed bumps were so low. The reason for this was explained to be for emergency service vehicles; primarily ambulances, so that if they needed to access or leave Manor Drive, they could do so safely without affecting a patient whilst using the speed bumps. Of course the residents of Manor Drive understood and accepted the reasoning; however these issues, along with some residents parking over and next to the speed bumps…were proving that these speed bumps were becoming more of a hindrance in residents opinions.

I contacted Peterborough City Council to see what else could be done in regards to controlling and maintaining the speeding issues along Manor Drive. The Road Safety Team informed me that there were some signs which were leant out on a 8 week basis to the wards in Peterborough and that they would need to be erected by either the Parish Council or myself.  I of course snapped up this opportunity for our residents and was put on the waiting list. Upon chasing these signs up last week, I am pleased to say that GUNTHORPE now have 9 new SAFERPETERBOROUGH speed provision signs.


Despite my original request for these signs being for Manor Drive, it was quite obvious to myself and all Gunthorpe Residents, that there were streets that were in need of these signs a long time ago.

My fellow colleagues (Councillor Julia Davidson and Councillor Darren Fower) and I last year conducted a petition for speed provisions along Gunthorpe Ridings. This came about after a 5 year old child suffered life changing injuries during a collision with a car on this road. Unfortunately it was defeated by the Conservative Controlled Council…the reasons given were that these issues were city wide.

However despite this, after my request for these signs; I requested to implement them along Gunthorpe Ridings as well as Manor Drive and this was accepted.

TODAY…I have made a start at erecting the signs in Gunthorpe. I started with Manor Drive and they are now placed throughout.

IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS…I will be implementing these signs along Gunthorpe Ridings.

I hope that these signs help to remind drivers to drive with care and in turn; help tackle the speeding issues we are faced with. If you have any suggestions of where the signs would be beneficial to be implemented; please do get in touch. Thank you to all residents that have and continue to report any issues and I hope that you are satisfied with the results. In the meantime please remember that;


As mentioned above, these signs are leant out for 8 weeks to the wards which request them in Peterborough. They can be requested by either the Parish Council or an Individual and they are to be erected by the person/people they are leant out too. You are to disclose which streets they will be used on and have to sign terms and conditions of their placement. So if you are having any of the issues mentioned and you are not a Gunthorpe Resident please get in touch.

As always let me know your thoughts and opinions.

Kind Regards,
Councillor Bond 

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