Councillor Andrew Bond

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Gunthorpe Ward in Peterborough! Working Hard All Year Round! Learn more

Manor Drive- Play Area UPDATE

by andrewbond on 11 May, 2017


Residents of Manor Drive in Gunthorpe and their little ones (some who aren’t so little now) seem to have been eagerly awaiting the opening of the Play Area for what seems like FOREVER . They are not alone, Peterborough City Council Officers and Myself have been requesting for exactly this too for a very long period of time.

I have had contact with many residents who have expressed their frustration over the delay in the opening, and the lack of areas for Children to play in the ever expanding Manor Drive Estate. The closest Play Area is across a very busy Paston Parkway; so it is no surprise to myself that I am now receiving reports of children gaining access and using the play area.


Unfortunately the update I can provide you all with now is very similar to previous, but as an update to those of you who may have missed past updates please read below.

The reasoning for the Play Area still being closed is due to remedial works still needing to be carried out…YES STILL…this has been the case for a very long time and I can assure you; myself and Peterborough City Council Officers have been pushing these works to be carried out the entirety of the time.

Despite many dates being given to myself- the most recent being MID MAY…it seems as though this still doesn’t look achievable. Following a meeting today I have been provided with the following update of the works, which are now additional to the original remedial works which needed to be carried out. (Images Below)

This includes;

  • Matting that still hasn’t been dug in around the edges and is able to be pulled up.
  • Signage Required.


We have now requested a new estimated time for the works to be completed…but from the images that have been taken today I must stress the following;

This work HAS to be carried out before it can be handed over to PCC and opened…whilst I completely understand the frustration and eagerness of the Children using this equipment it is important that they continue to be patient.

PLEASE– try and keep your children from playing on this until it is open.

Again I must Thank You All and I will continue to update you;


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