Councillor Andrew Bond

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Gunthorpe Ward in Peterborough! Working Hard All Year Round! Learn more

Local Primary Schools Parking Safety: Update Norwood and Gunthorpe Primary School

by andrewbond on 15 February, 2017

Norwood  and Gunthorpe Primary School- Gunthorpe 
You may have seen my many recent Facebook posts and blog posts regarding Gunthorpe Primary School, Norwood Primary School and Welbourne Primary School. I started working with all three of these primary schools before Christmas; after I was contacted by many concerned parents/carers and residents. Concerns were raised over many factors but primarily and most importantly the SAFETY of the CHILDREN.  (To update yourself click here)
In one of my previous Blog Posts you may have seen that PCC had agreed to undertake assessments to assess whether further parking restrictions were needed and would be beneficial in the streets surrounding all three of the Primary Schools.
Peterborough City Council Officers attended Welbourne Primary School first to assess whether any further parking restrictions would be beneficial. Upon their visit there were a total of 11 cars parked on Goodwin Walk and 4 within the Entrance to Welbourne itself. Of these vehicles they reported that only one was parked on double yellow lines, whilst others were parked in sensible locations that didn’t ’cause an issue’ .Unfortunately on this occasion the officers did not feel that Welbourne has a ‘Parking Problem’ in comparison to parking at other schools. Therefore they decided not to introduce any further parking restrictions at this location.
This week the same assessment was carried out at the Norwood Primary School and Gunthorpe Primary School area. During the Network and Travel Managers visit he reports a “good compliance with the existing parking restrictions”. During the visit he reported that only 6 vehicles were parked in a contravention 0f the restrictions. These Being;
  • one late arrival at Norwood who parked on the zig-zag markings to the puffin crossing.
  • one vehicle parked on Gunthorpe Road opposite Norwood School
  • four vehicles parked on the single yellow lines in Haveswater Close at the rear of the school.

He reported that there was “no issue observed with cars being parked such that they encroached over private driveways.  No cars were parked on Gunthorpe Ridings and no excessive speeds were observed during the visit, with vehicles able to flow freely through the area.” 

Although it was also reported that at the start of Coniston Road 2 vehicles were parked in gap in between the double yellow lines. The cars were not causing an issue; however there shouldn’t be a gap in the location. Because of this the Officer is going to investigate this and implement the correct road markings as necessary.

However to conclude, Unfortunately the Network and Travel Manager feels that based on the observations he had made during the course of the week; there are no serious issues with parking in this location and that routine enforcement will tackle the issues that we do have; (e.g. vehicles contravening the existing parking restrictions).

Although this report is perhaps not what we had hoped for it is very important that we realise that we are not alone. The issues we are seeing daily; are occurring city wide. A recent article from the Peterborough Telegraph doesn’t mention any of our local primary schools as a problem area at this given time.

During this visit it doesn’t seem that any observation of Hallfields Lane, Cleveland Court or The Pentlands were made which I perceive to be a problem area for Gunthorpe Primary School; so I have questioned this.

I feel that work needs to  continue to be done to prevent our local primary schools becoming one of the schools in a problem area. I will continue to work with all three of these Primary Schools to make sure that regular visits are made and that resources are regularly provided. It is extremely important that we work together for the Safety of the Children and I hope you continue to work with me. 

Thank you
Councillor Bond

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