Councillor Andrew Bond

Local Liberal Democrat Councillor for the Gunthorpe Ward in Peterborough! Working Hard All Year Round! Learn more

Litter Bin Issues

by andrewbond on 22 January, 2017

I have been contacted recently by many residents requesting litter bins in and around the Gunthorpe Ward.

One man who contacted me specifically requested a bin for a cut along Fulbridge Road leading into Aster Drive. He explained that the issues are primarily with littering and people leaving their bags of dog poo on the ground. We are so lucky to have such fantastic residents who report such issues, but this man not only reported this issue to myself; but also takes it upon himself to clear this rubbish on a daily basis. He does this because there isn’t a bin along the cut and he wants to make the area safe and clean for himself and other residents. I’m sure you’ll agree he is a credit to our area; but he shouldn’t have to clean up after other residents…and he may not have to if more bins were provided!

Upon reporting this to PCC; I was informed the request had been noted. However they informed me that the area had not been reported as a significant problem area; but it would be monitored. They went on to inform me that;

“Introducing new bins obviously comes at a cost to the authority (a capital cost and then an annual cost of servicing).  Within the current climate of financial constraints, the authority’s current approach is not to increase bin provision but where a demand is demonstrated, to identify other bins within the locality where usage is not great and reposition said bins to a different location to meet demand.”

Well since this visit; despite the lack of bins in certain areas and this Gentleman having to clean this area daily…I have found two areas in Gunthorpe where two or more bins are located next to each other. I have informed PCC of these bins and suggested relocation to said area and other areas in Peterborough.

If you look closely below you will see the areas where two bins are located!

If you spot a bin that could be relocated and you have an area in mind please get in touch! If we work together we will tackle these issues!





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